Autor: The Sword of the Spirit

Families for Christ Community – in Vancouver

In the early 1990s, a few couples who had moved to Canada from the Philippines came together to form an informal prayer group. Sensing the need for a more formal direction, in September 1993, the group went on a pilgrimage to a Catholic pilgrimage site in Portland, Oregon, for a whole day of prayer and spiritual discernment. Having been soaked in the Spirit, a prophecy surfaced, “Before you bring the good news of salvation to others, start with your own families. You are my family in Vancouver. You are families for Christ.” It was then that they decided to adopt the name “Families for Christ Community.”

Our community in Aleppo in the midst of war

– By Andre Codouni, a member of the People of God, one of our communities in Beirut Early February 2016. The man and his wife, both leaders in the community Emmanuel, had left Aleppo for a couple of weeks to be with their daughter as she gave birth far from the insecurity of the city. Now […]

Camino a casa: ¿pero a dónde vamos?

Últimamente he estado pensando mucho sobre «casa» – el lugar que anhelamos, y que creemos que, al alcanzarlo, estaremos finalmente satisfechos – el destino de nuestro corazón.

Bethany Association Meets

“Hear, O Daughter . . . Listen to Me” was the theme of the Bethany Association Conference held in Pittsburgh, PA, USA, in August of this year to seek the Lord together and worship him.

Bale ning Ginu, en las Filipinas

Un pequeño grupo de estudiantes se convierte en una comunidad para Cristo

Spirit of Christ Community

Community members in Jacksonville FL, USA, strive daily to be radical disciples of Christ.

Joy in the Face of Death

A school teacher speaks words of faith just days before his martyrdom at the hands of the Nazis.

La gente del Adviento

Este año veo el Adviento con mayor intensidad y anticipación que nunca.