Before I encountered the community in Ann Arbor, Michigan while I was studying, I was really only living a nominal Catholic life, and going to Mass on Sunday was my only Christian activity. The experience with the community completely changed my life, and gave me a renewed faith, and desire to share it with others. […]
Año: 2021
DÍA 7 – Meditación: 24 de enero por Andy
DÍA 6 – Testimonio: Christiane Lewerentz (Protestante) y Monse Arellano (Católica) – de Alemania y Ecuador, pero ahora en Irlanda del Norte
Over this past year, we have discovered great joy in living and serving together as Bethany sisters from two different Christian traditions and cultures, but who share the call to live single for the Lord and the call to Christian unity. Growing up a charismatic Christian from a Lutheran missionary background, I, Christiane, always experienced […]
DÍA 6 – Meditación: 23 de enero por Andy
John 15: 16b “Go and bear fruit, fruit that will last” Jesus the vine, calls us, the branches, to bear fruit, fruit that will last. If we are connected to Him, and stay connected, then we will receive God’s life-giving sap, the Holy Spirit, and we will bear fruit. There are many different aspects of that fruit. However, […]
DíA 5 – Testimonio: Michi Schöberl (Católico) – Alemania
In his classic book “Orthodoxy”, G.K. Chesterton draws up the delightful sketch of an English yachtsman who, after a miscalculation, makes landfall on the English coast, believing it to be some uncharted island in the Southern sea. Filled with all the enthusiasm of an age of exploration, he strives to examine the wild inhabitants and their barbaric […]
DíA 5 – Testimonio: Karen Jordan (Católica) – India y Escocia
DíA 5 – Meditación: 22 de enero por Andy
DíA 4 – Testimonio: Efraín Calderón (Católico) – Costa Rica
I am a Catholic Christian who belongs to Árbol de Vida, an ecumenical community in San José, Costa Rica. Since its beginning as a small group of Evangelical and Catholic university students, Árbol de Vida has for 43 years maintained both its interchurch membership, as well as its commitment to ecumenism in the Sword of […]